WPI Magazine
Lt. Boots Interactive Story
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Lt. Boots Interactive Story 〰️ Click Titles to See Video 〰️
“He finally realized that only God’s Wrath could unleash an American Thunder on the killer.”
The Dark Side of Lt. Boots
This story is a bit more Sinister than the previous one. As you know, Lt. Boots had a rough start to his life being born in a firework tube and all. Don’t Freak Out, but his mother was killed when he was just weeks old. That tends to leave a scar like stepping on a Land Mine…It is a real Heart Stopper. Lt. Boots felt like he’d taken a Throat Punch and was out for revenge. Years later, he still couldn’t shake the emptiness in his heart, so he loaded his Tommy Gun and began the search for the Schizophrenic Jekyll and Hyde that took out his mamma. If only Lt. Boots had a pet T-Rex, he could cover more ground and do more damage to the Poisonous Spider of a being who destroyed his happy family. Weeks turned into months, months turned into years, and Lt. Boots was still no closer to solving his mother’s murder. He even sought out help from the ancient Thunder King who is said to project a Sky Torch to lead the quest for justice. Lt. Boots was thinking, “There’s The Flavor”, when he finally realized that only God’s Wrath could unleash an American Thunder on the killer. This furry little beast came to grips with his motherless life and poured his focus into pyrotechnics because you never know when duty calls. Now Lt. Boots is the Wisley Pyrotechnics mascot, and the WPI staff considers his story to be a Beautiful Catastrophe.